Share Market Systems to work on in 2020 By Jitendra Jain Sir Twitter Handle @jitendrajain Interested in Domains, eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Startups, Share Markets. Here are some systems that I m working on. The idea is to make 4% per month. Objective: Take as many singles as possible with keeping wickets intact. 1. USDINR positional: Take weekly/monthly positions, use low margin required by usdinr to create returns Helped by @yogeshnanda1 2. USDINR Expiry: Doing this for more than 12 weeks, decent success rate 80%, risk defined. Suggeted by @Sahilbalani25 3. Banknifty / NIFTY Expiry: Had stopped this for a while to get things in perspective but will resume from this Thursday. This is everyone's favorite. Two things to keep in mind, risk and hence position size. Guide: @yogeeswarpal 4. Banknifty intraday options: Intraday options trading based on view. Take a view and trade. Mostly straddles/strangles. Guide: @yogeeswarpal 5. Mini expiry: Wednesdays a...